Claires Overview

Claire's is a popular accessories and jewelry retailer that offers an extensive collection of trendy and stylish products for young women. Their online store,, offers a variety of affordable earrings, necklaces, bracelets, hair accessories, beauty products, and more. The website frequently releases coupons and promotions that allow customers to save money on their purchases. These coupons can offer discounts on specific products or a percentage off the total purchase, while some may also come with free shipping. These offers are a great way for customers to save money while still indulging in the latest fashion trends from Claire's.

Contact Information

Email: [email protected] Phone: 1-800-CLU-SSES (1-800-258-7737) Live Chat: Available on the website Mailing Address: Claire's Inc., 2400 West Central Road, Hoffman Estates, IL 60192, USA

44 Offers Available
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Claires Discount Codes
